Proof of Delivery (POD) is abbreviated as POD. In many courier companies, it is also known as Delivery Run Sheet (DRS). It is a documented proof showing that the recipient has received the consignment.Proof of Delivery is taken in form of Name, Signature, and Date of receiving. It also confirms the delivery date, time, person and number of packets of the recipient in case of multiple documents.With the signature of the recipient on Proof of Delivery, a consignment gets completed. This is a documentary proof for the record and affects four persons/parties involved in despatched goods.Actually Proof of Delivery is the last document of any consignment whereas the initial document is known as Consignment Note (C.Note). In the local language, C. Notes are also called POD which is not correct. Both documents are separate but known as POD in casual.WHAT IS CONSIGNMENT NOTE (C.NOTE)?A Consignment note is also known as Delivery Note/Shipper. It is a printed document issued by Courier Company comprising a transport contract.Consignment note is documented by the Branch Associates for his client with all the details i.e. Date of booking, Originator address, Type of services, recipient address, weight, rate, Date, Bill amount, volumetric weight, contact number and much more.A sample of Consignment Note is given below for information.OVERNITE PRIORITY CONSIGNMENT NOTEu2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014TYPES OF OVERNITE CONSIGNMENT NOTE (C. NOTE)Overnite Express is having five types of Consignment Note or Delivery Note. Details in particulars are given below for your reference of the readers. Each proof of delivery is having a unique POD Number for tracking of the shipment.In each delivery Note, four leaves are available for four different persons namely shipper, receiver, booking office, and courier company. Subjective details are as under : u20131. Overnite Air Consignment Note2. Overnite Priority Consignment Note.3. Overnite Consignment Note Up to 3 Kg.4. Overnite Consignment Note above 3 Kg.5. Overnite International Consignment Noteu2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u20141. Overnite Air Consignment Note: u2013Air Consignment Note is a unique type of C. Note which is only used for an air shipment. A few items should clearly be mentioned by the courier boy or courier office for the convenience of the shipper.(a) The date should be clearly mentioned.(b) No of pieces or the parcel should be mentioned.(c) Origin and destination should be cleared properly.(d) Branch Associate (BA) Name, address, and their Code have been written clearly.(e) Shipper Address with Contact Number and Consignee details should be mentioned clearly on POD and the same should be pasted by printing on the packet. Address on the packet and Consignment Note are a dual system of checking before delivery. So it is recommended that ensure you have taken a printout of From Address and To address and have posted properly.(f) Amount taken for courier services by the agency or Courier Company.(g) Signature of the agent or courier company.u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014POD COPY OF OVERNITE AIR PARCEL SERVICEThe first copy of the consignment note is attached to the parcel. On reaching the destination, delivery boy signs the copy as Proof of Delivery and update on the web portal for the information of the shipper, courier branch Associate and Courier Company for their records.1ST COPY-POD COPY OF OVERNITE AIR PARCEL SERVICEu2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014SHIPPER COPY OF OVERNITE AIR PARCEL SERVICEThe second copy of the consignment note is handover to the shipper for his records. With the help of tracking number, the shipper can track his shipment. On reaching the destination, the delivery boy receives the signature of the recipient as Proof of Delivery and update on the web portal. Shipper can also view the records of transit on the web portal.2ND COPY-SHIPPER COPY OF OVERNITE AIR PARCEL SERVICEShipper can also see the recipient name, sign, and date of receiving on proof of delivery and can make sure about his shipment. In case the shipment has stuck in transit, he/she can call customer care about the reason of delay and can ask speedy delivery.While booking your courieru2019s with Overnite Couriers, it is recommended to adhere to all terms and condition mentioned below.Shipper or Consignor having details i.e. name, address, and phone or mobile number.Consignee with clearly mentioned details i.e. name, address, and phone or mobile number.Origin of booking.Destination or Delivery details (Place of delivery)Dox (Documents)/ Non-Dox (Parcel or shipment.The number of pieces of consignment.The weight of the parcel or the consignment.Mode of transportation i.e. Air Services / Train Services / Surface ServicesDetails of Contents or Air Way Bill copyValue of consignment as per Air Way BillCopy of Insurance, if the value of the consignment is above Rs. 1000/-Invoice, Declaration and concerned documents or sales tax form for the commercial shipments.All valuable shipments will be taken in open condition.Overnite Customer care numbers: u2025 Click HereNORTH REGION (Overnite Courier Services)Delhi (Overnite Courier Services): +91-90150 40000: oel@del.overnite-mail.comJaipur (Overnite Courier Services): 141-4532100: +91-95499 76920: oel@jpr.overnite-mail.comGhaziabad (Overnite Courier Services): 120-2855606/07/2855562/2855620/3985900: +91-96253 16462/98730 61625: oel@gzb.overnite-mail.comLucknow (Overnite Courier Services): 522-4301109: +91-9354 925121/78350 0790/75710 9354: oel@lkw.overnite-mail.comChandigarh (Overnite Courier Services): 172-2632975: +91-85588 36532/85588 36543/85588 365435: oel@chd.overnite-mail.comLudhiana (Overnite Courier Services): 161-5014883: +91-85588 36550/85588 36549: oel@ldh.overnite-mail.comSOUTH REGION (Overnite Courier Services)Chennai (Overnite Courier Services): +91-89398 35319: oel@che.overnite-mail.comHyderabad (Overnite Courier Services): +91-88866 11536: oel@hyd.overnite-mail.comKochi (Overnite Courier Services): +91-93184 91964:,info@koc.overnite-mail.comBangalore (Overnite Courier Services): +91-73386 60047/ 73386 60049: oel@blr.overnite-mail.comWEST REGION (Overnite Courier Services)Mumbai(Overnite Courier Services): 22 71848400: +91-96198 94217: oel@mum.overnite-mail.comNagpur(Overnite Courier Services): 712-2789439: +91-70660 38008: oel@nag.overnite-mail.comPune (Overnite Courier Services): 20-26442544: +91-9823869160/9823865176:,info@pnq.overnite-mail.comAhmedabad(Overnite Courier Services): +91-90166 63064: oel@amd.overnite-mail.comBaroda(Overnite Courier Services): 265-2354585/2344880/6640904/6640905 Ext. No. 111 & 112: +91-96387 78407: oel@bdq.overnite-mail.comEAST REGION(Overnite Courier Services)Kolkata(Overnite Courier Services): 33-30274200: +91-90150 40000: oel@kol.overnite-mail.comPatna(Overnite Courier Services): +91-96253 15210/96253 15211: oel@pat.overnite-mail.comCENTRAL ZONE(Overnite Courier Services)Bhopal(Overnite Courier Services): 755-4205177: +91-93549 38270: oel@bpl.overnite-mail.comNORTH EASTGuwahati (Overnite Courier Services): 361u20132207081/82/83: +91-69012 20456 / 69012 20457: oel@ghy.overnite-mail.comOvernite Express HeadOffice : u2013Overnite Express Ltd, Overnite House,11099-C, East Park Road, New Delhi-110005, IndiaTel: +91-11-23510131(5Lines) fax: +91-11-23516164Overnite Express E-Mail ID for correspondence : u2013Email: oel@overnite-mail.comOvernite Express Online Complaint or Overnite Express Query: u2025 Click HereHave a query? Please write in the columns belowHow to do courier tracking with POD Number?A sample of Overnite Web Tracking: u2025 Click Hereu2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014EDP COPY OF OVERNITE AIR PARCEL SERVICEGenerally, consignment notes are three copies but in some courier companies, four copies are used. EDP copy is for concerned Courier Company which is providing courier services. This copy is specially used for DP Clients which are directly linked with the courier company.3RD COPY-EDP COPY PROOF OF DELIVERY OF OVERNITE AIR PARCEL SERVICEWhat is Electronic Data Processing (EDP) in Courier Services?EDP is abbreviated as electronic data processing. The term is not used frequently in the term. It is also known as IS-Information Services or System.EDP copy is used for electronic data process with the help of computers. EDP copy is used for barcode scanning and other electronic communication programs.u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014DESTINATION COPY OF OVERNITE AIR PARCEL SERVICEThe fourth copy of the delivery note is held by courier Branch Associate or the courier company outlet for their internal records and financial perspective. Branch Associates submit this copy to their client with monthly billing purpose.4TH COPY-DESTINATION COPY PROOF OF DELIVERY OF OVERNITE AIR PARCEL SERVICEu2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u2014u20142. Overnite Priority Consignment Note.(a) PROOF OF DELIVERY COPY OF OVERNITE PRIORITY CONSIGNMENT NOTEThe first copy of the Priority consignment note is attached to the parcel. On reaching the destination, it is signed by the recipient as Proof of Delivery and update on the web portal for the information of the shipper, courier branch Associate and Courier Company for their records.1ST COPY-PROOF OF DELIVERY COPY OF OVERNITE PRIORITY CONSIGNMENT NOTE(b) SHIPPER COPY OF OVERNITE PRIORITY CONSIGNMENT NOTEShipper may check the recipient name, sign, and date of receiving online proof of delivery and can make sure of reaching his shipment. Shipper can also verify current status in route. , he/she can call customer care about the reason of delay and can ask speedy delivery. While booking your courieru2019s with Overnite Couriers, it is recommended to adhere to all terms and condition mentioned below.2NDCOPY-PROOF OF DELIVERY OVERNITE PRIORITY CONSIGNMENT NOTE(c) ACCOUNTS COPY OF OVERNITE PRIORITY CONSIGNMENT NOTEThe third copy of Priority consignment note is for Accounts purpose. For all financial purpose and official records, this copy is held.3RDCOPY-PROOF OF DELIVERY OF OVERNITE PRIORITY CONSIGNMENT NOTEOFFICE COPY OF OVERNITE PRIORITY CONSIGNMENT NOTEThe fourth copy of Priority consignment note is for courier Branch Associate or the courier company outlet for financial purpose. Branch Associates may submit this copy to their client for monthly billing.4THCOPY-PROOF OF DELIVERY OF OVERNITE (PRIORITY CONSIGNMENT NOTE)To Read More Courier Related Blogs, available to the website, click here.http://S.NoBlog1.History of the Courier Services Industry2.Documents Required For Customs Clearance in India3.Top 10 Indian Courier Services Providers in 20184.Business Idea with Low Investment and High Profit5.Is Courier Services is a Good Business Idea?6.Fedex-shipping-solutions-for-importers